
List of Presentations

Page history last edited by Lucas Cioffi 13 years, 5 months ago

The purpose of the OpenGov Community Summit Series is to convene thought leaders in the public, private, and citizen sectors to share knowledge and build a community of practice that is passionate about open government.  Each of the events is held at a different federal agency.


Throughout 2010, we held one event every 6-8 weeks which convened broad cross sections of the community.  Now that the conversations around open gov have gotten deeper and more specific, we are making corresponding changes to the summit series.  Throughout 2011 there will be only 2-3 of these broad summits and instead we will place more emphasis on "focus forums" that are relevant to individual agencies.  The first event is scheduled for February 18, 2011 and will be formally announced in January.  If you're not already on our mailing list, please sign up on the form underneath the video on this page.


October 13, 2010 OpenGov Community Summit @ NASA


September OpenGov Community Summit @ EPA

(We chose to not emphasize notes at this workshop)


July OpenGov Community Infrastructure Meeting @ USDA

(We chose to not emphasize notes at this workshop)


May 24, 2010 OpenGov Community Summit @ Treasury


April 28, 2010 Open Government Directive Workshop @ USDA


February 17, 2010 Open Government Directive Workshop w/ GSA

Here is the report from the Feb 17th OGD Workshop.  You may also want to see the workshop teams' individual pages: Team #1Team #2Team #3,Team #4 (online team)video of all four presentations.  Here are the notes, video and slides for each of the previous workshops.  Here is a starting point for some general (Agency agnostic) requirements for a next-gen open platform for social networking and community contributed apps and gadgets.

January 11, 2010 Open Government Directive Workshop @ DOT


Presentations and Video


1pm Workshop Sessions


2pm Workshop Sessions


3pm Workshop Sessions


News Coverage of the Jan 11th Workshop



November 16, 2009 Open Government Directive Workshop


Presentations and Video


Blog Coverage of the November 16, 2009 OpenGov Workshop:


Other Case Studies and Effective Open Government Practices


Video Archive from the Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase, September 2009

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