The purpose of the OpenGov Community Summit Series is to convene thought leaders in the public, private, and citizen sectors to share knowledge and build a community of practice that is passionate about open government. Each of the events is held at a different federal agency.
Throughout 2010, we held one event every 6-8 weeks which convened broad cross sections of the community. Now that the conversations around open gov have gotten deeper and more specific, we are making corresponding changes to the summit series. Throughout 2011 there will be only 2-3 of these broad summits and instead we will place more emphasis on "focus forums" that are relevant to individual agencies. The first event is scheduled for February 18, 2011 and will be formally announced in January. If you're not already on our mailing list, please sign up on the form underneath the video on this page.
(We chose to not emphasize notes at this workshop)
(We chose to not emphasize notes at this workshop)
Here is the report from the Feb 17th OGD Workshop. You may also want to see the workshop teams' individual pages: Team #1, Team #2, Team #3,Team #4 (online team), video of all four presentations. Here are the notes, video and slides for each of the previous workshops. Here is a starting point for some general (Agency agnostic) requirements for a next-gen open platform for social networking and community contributed apps and gadgets.

Presentations and Video
1pm Workshop Sessions
2pm Workshop Sessions
3pm Workshop Sessions
News Coverage of the Jan 11th Workshop
Presentations and Video
Blog Coverage of the November 16, 2009 OpenGov Workshop:
Other Case Studies and Effective Open Government Practices
Video Archive from the Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase, September 2009
- Opening Welcome
- A-Space: Changing the Way the Intelligence Community Does Analysis by Joan McIntyre (Office of the Director of National Intelligence)
- AreYouSafe? -- Municipal and Federal Data Extraction, Mash-up, and Visualization by Brian Sobel (InnovationGeo)
- Arkansas Recovery Portal, Online & iPhone Applications by Claire Bailey (Arkansas Department of Information Systems )
- Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System by the United States Coast Guard by Benjamin Strong (U.S. Coast Guard)
- City of Santa Cruz Offers Blueprint for Solving CA Budget Crisis with Social Media by Peter Koht (City of Santa Cruz)
- CrimeReports.com: Engaging the Public in Neighborhood Law Enforcement by Greg Whisenant (CrimeReports.com)
- Crowdsourcing Federal Court Transparency by Stephen Schultze (Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard)
- D.C. Government Trades Spreadsheets for Transparency and Accountability by Chris Willey (D.C. Office of the Chief Technology Officer)
- DataSF: San Francisco on the Road to Openness by Kelly Pretzer (San Francisco, Office of Economic and Workforce Development)
- Digital Diplomacy: Understanding Islam through Virtual Worlds by Rita King (IBM Analytics Virtual Center)
- DoDTechipedia Family of Services by Noel Dickover (Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO), Commercial Technologies & Systems Directorate (contractor))
- Government as a PARTNER Panel Discussion by Steve Lunceford (Deloitte Consulting), Hillary Hartley (NIC Inc.)
- Government as a PEACEKEEPER Panel Discussion by Dan Mintz (CSC), Steve Ressler (GovLoop.com)
- Government as a PROCESS Panel Discussion by Brian Drake (Deloitte Consulting), Steve Radick (Booz Allen Hamilton)
- Government as a PRODUCT - Apps for America by Clay Johnson (Sunlight Labs), Michael Knapp (GreenRiver.org), Joe Pringle (Forum One), Jeremy Ashkenas(DocumentCloud), Dave Augustine (WestEd)
- Government as a PROTECTOR Panel Discussion by John Bordeaux (Stupski Foundation), Lewis Shepherd (Microsoft Institute for Advanced Technology in Governments)
- Government as a PROVIDER Panel Discussion by Jeffrey Levy (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), Amanda Eamich (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
- How the Military Health System uses Integrated Social Media Channels to Better Connect and Engage with its Stakeholders by Donald Jones (Booz Allen Hamilton)
- Invisible City (augmented reality) by Rob Rhyne (Digital Arch Design)
- MyEnvironment: Environmental Information for Your Community by Kim Balassiano (USEPA)
- Neighbors for Neighbors - Connecting Neighbors to Each Other and Government Resources by Joseph Porcelli (Neighbors for Neighbors, Inc.)
- Open Architecture Network: An Open Management System for Government Projects by Mike McCaffrey (Architecture for Humanity)
- Open311 - A Platform for a Participatory Civic Infrastructure by Philip Ashlock (The Open Planning Project)
- SeeClickFix: You Can Web Enable Your Town in 5 mins. No Batteries Required. by Ben Berkowitz (SeeClickFix)
- Spacebook: Lessons Learned from NASA's Enterprise Social Network by Emma Antunes (NASA)
- The Democracy Video Challenge - Engaging Youth Through New Technology by George Clack (Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. State Department)
- Toward Living Intelligence by Chris Rasmussen (U.S. Intelligence Community)
- Transit 2.0 at BART.gov by Melissa Jordan (Bay Area Rapid Transit)
- Transportation Security Administration's IdeaFactory: Social Media and Securing America by Tina Cariola (Transportation Security Administration)
- txts 4 africa by Merrick Schaefer (UNICEF)
- Utah Department of Public Safety Media Portal by Jeff Nigbur (Utah Department of Public Safety)
- Web 2.0 and the Communications Effort Surrounding the Peanut Product Recall by Dan Luxenberg (FDA)
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