Participation Case Studies and Effective Practices
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last edited
by Lucas Cioffi 14 years, 5 months ago

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The purpose of this site is not to duplicate content that is elsewhere on the Web, but to serve as a useful directory to that content for open government pioneers in the public and private sectors. You may also be interested in transparency or collaboration case studies and effective practices.
Index for this page:
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Federal Participation Initiatives:
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State Participation Initiatives:
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Local Participation Initiatives:
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Participation Initiatives from Outside the US:
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General Participation Principles and Ideas:
- Better Decisions through Consultation and Collaboration: (Environmental Protection Agency) A fantastic guide to help agencies improve their public engagement practices.
- Executive Guide to Public Engagement for Open Government by the Initiative for Collaborative Government
- Public Engagement Process: (EPA) An overview of effective public engagement practices for federal agencies.
- National Coalition of Dialogue and Deliberation's (NCDD) Principles of Public Engagement creates the conditions for authentic public engagement around complex issues.
- NCDD's Engagement Streams Framework helps public servants navigate the range of dialogue and deliberation approaches that are available to them and make design choices that are appropriate for their circumstance and resources.
- Creating Social Media Policy: (MiXT Media Strategies) How federal agencies can intelligently engage with social media.
- Plain Langauge: (Plain Language Institute) The importance and return on investment for engaging an audience in plain language
- Participant Selection: (via Participedia) Bringing the right people to the table in the right way is essential.
- Communication Mode: (via Participedia) A measurable dimension of participatory design that specifies how participants will interact with one another within a venue of public discussion or decision.
- Kinds of Influence: (via Participedia) A conceptual dimension of participatory design that gauges the impact public participation has upon the direction of public policy and other similar decision-making processes.
- Kinds of goods: (via Participedia) Participatory processes can, in part, be classified according to the kind of good or goods at issue. What "works" will depend, in part, on the nature of these goods.
- Participation and Open Government Web Sites: An article about the open government web sites that are required by the Open Government Directive.
- Civic engagement practitioners, Everyday Democracy, and the Kettering Foundation sponsored the report, "Sustaining Public Engagement" - a research study written by Harvard University researchers Archon Fung and Elena Fagotto. The monograph looks at a number of local public engagement efforts on a variety of policy issues.
- The civic engagement firm, Public Agenda, has published a report, "Promising Practices in Online Engagement", which covers a vast array of web-based public involvement processes on issues that are both local and national.
- "The Promise and Challenge of Local Democracy" - an excellent recent study on civic participation at the neighborhood and city levels across the United States. The report was written by the Deliberative Democracy Consortium's Matt Leighninger (scroll down to the report title for free PDF download).
- "The New Laboratories of Democracy" - a very thorough "inventory" of local level civic engagement efforts from planning to budgets to community dialogues. Features and lists a variety of methodologies and practitioners. This report was developed by PACE.
- "E-Consultation: Enabling Democracy Between Elections." Reports on online civic engagement in Canada. Produced by Canada's Institute of Research on Public Policy.
- "Civic Engagement and the Changing Transition to Adulthood" - studies youth civic engagement from the late teens through early 20's, evaluating the impacts of education, economics and other factors. Produced by CIRCLE.
- The UK's public participation organization, InvolveUK, produced the report, "Deliberative Public Engagement: Nine Principles", a great overview of what makes for legitimate civic engagement.
- "Its more than talk" - a "discussion paper about options for building knowledge, skills and values about effective community engagement" produced by the New Zealand Government's Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector (OCVS).
- Articles by Pete Peterson from Common Sense California (CSC is a public engagement organization): California Civic Health Index in SacBee, Gen X civic engagement in City Journal, health care "town hall meetings" in Fox & Hounds Daily, localized online civic participation in an essay entitled, "Canoes and Online Communities" for the tech/politics blog, Personal Democracy Forum, CSC’s participatory budgeting project in Salinas for the blog, NewGeography, civic engagement effort in Kauai for City Journal Online, CSC's participatory budgeting projects and the changing nature of the citizen/government relationship in Fox & Hounds Daily, CSC's "Inventory: Citizen Engagement Projects in California" report, California Civic Health Index by National Conference on Citizenship, California Forward and CSC.
- Eight Principles of Public Outreach by AmericaSpeaks and Ascentum
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Participation Case Studies and Effective Practices
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