
Template for Adding New Questions

Page history last edited by Lucas Cioffi 15 years ago

(This is the template for adding new questions.  You may copy and paste the text below into any page new page you create for a new question.)

After you have created your page, be sure to link to it from one of the following sections: 


To get started, if you're an editor, click "create new page" on the right side of the screen.  If you're not an editor, click "request access" and one of our editors will share access with you within a few hours.


The question template is below this line:

Question: The question goes here at the top.


Background Information: Provide a little more context for your question in this section.  Explain why this question is important.


Official Answers and Solutions (from the appropriate Federal Government authority)



Proposed Answers and Solutions (from the Open Government Community):



Relevant Effective Practices (past and present):



Related Case Studies


External Resources:

(Instructions: If there is applicable material, feel free to insert a link to your blog here and provide a 2-3 sentence description).

  • XYZ Blog Example: This is a description of what a reader will find at that link.  This is a description of what a reader will find at that link.  This is a description of what a reader will find at that link.  This is a description of what a reader will find at that link.  

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