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Team 1: Feb 17th Workshop

Page history last edited by Lucas Cioffi 14 years, 6 months ago

Final results of the Feb 17th workshop are here: Final Results of the February Open Government Directive Workshop.doc


This is the collaboration page for Team 1 during the February Open Government Directive Workshop.  The team leader is Rachel Lunsford (VA), and a list of team members is here.  Each team will be drafting bullet points that can be dropped into actual agency open government plans.  


Get to the ideas?



We started the morning trying to understand what each member was interested in with regards to the Open Government Directive.


Key Questions

  • What are the goals and information that we need to be providing citizens with access to?  Who's making the direction and establishing the criteria for what are the high value data.
  • What is the feedback and judgement loop for what is high value data?  Is there a role for public involvement in making the decisions on the value of data?
  • Is there a role for public feedback on the determination of what is high value data? 
  • How do we get top managers to buy-in to a new open government culture?
  • Agencies must continue to promote opportunities for the public to be involved, and opportunities to receive information from the government. 
  • How do we make information consumable to the average citizen? This is not a technology specific question but a process oriented one.
  • How can we make available data more usable?
  • How do we manage internal processes related to OGD, especially related to data.gov submissions?
  • How do we get buy-in in large organization not cultured for change?
  • How can we buck the tread of building big, monolithic systems to focus on smaller, agile systems that deliver success or real-world challenges?
  • Will we be organized by April 7, let alone have a plan, let alone have a good plan?
  • How do you really make progress in getting our agencies to be open within itself, much less to the public?
  • What can we do to deliver more efficient services to citizens that they can use to self-collaborate on public concerns? 
  • How can we kill tech buzz words to focus on actual solutions that matter to the average person?
  • Participation- Defined? Any best practices? How frequent? Is there an acceptable exclusion or cut off timeframe?
  • Can we create a standing platform for disaster response that enables rapid two-way feedback?
  • Can agencies just set up APIs so developer communities can create and publish apps? 


From these questions, we had a discussion about what we wanted to focus on. 


General Group Discussion Notes

Today’s expectations: come together as a group and build good ideas that we can take back with us



Questions and Goals

·         Can we create an Open Data Framework?

·         How do you get internal staff to become more open to support open government

·         How can we create and enable an emergency communication network

·         What is open? If participation is happening, how do we make the judgment of what is successful?

·         How do you get managers to support the OpenGov initative?

·         Can government setup open API’s to receive the data and allow the public to build and interact with the data directly?

·         Can we buck the trend of building big systems and build smaller, more agile systems that can interact with the data.

·         What are agencies doing to build internal processes to support the ongoing flow of data to data.gov



Discussion Notes

·         More education

·         The government dashboard which came out of the OpenGov, what’s the usefulness

·         Who is setting the bar for what is working


·         Tools that can give you information; tell people what we’re going to do to keep them informed.



Build Actionable Plans

  •  Culture 
    • change management
    • Educating employee
  • Collaboration
    • Open APIs
    • Drupal
    • Communication
  • What is open?
    • Define
    • Consumer
    • User
      • 1/3 of Americans not on broadband 
  • Data:
    • needs and analysis
    • Useful
      • Consumable
  • Narrative
    • context of what the data and the information is 
      • Consumable
  • Smaller, agile systems
  • Disaster Response
    • 2 way communications
  • Business Process:
    • for data.gov
  •  OpenGov Dashboard:
    • how useful and what is the standard
    • low bar
  • Tools: tools that people can use 



From there we focused on developing three holistic ideas that try to address transparency, collaboration, and participation. Each of these is meant to be one cohesive product that an agency can drop into their plans. Some of the ideas can be split up into smaller pieces to drop into plans.

Team 1 - Culture Idea Generation

Team 1 - Data Idea Generation

Team 1 - Open Gov in Practice


Related Ideas on IdeaScale by Members of Team #1



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