

Page history last edited by LucasCioffi 11 years ago

Welcome to the OpenGov Playbook


(A transcript is available for this video.)


(Welcome! If you're new here, please click the link on the right to request access to edit this wiki; we must do this to prevent spam.) 


A diagram showing the various sub communities of the broader OpenGov Community.


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An integrated vision of opengov showing how transparency, participation, and collaboration are related to each other

What can happen at the intersections?

  • Transparency & Participation: Transparency helps ensure that citizen participation (defined as participation in government in decision-making) is well-informed.
  • Transparency & Collaboration: A transparent government is more welcoming to potential organizational partners that are addressing the same societal problems.
  • Participation & Collaboration: After the public helps the government with a tough decision, they are already much more likely to support the solution and can be partners in implementation.
  • Open Data & Transparency: Government data is much more useful when formatted in a way that facilitates easy search by other computer systems ("machine-readable").
  • Open Data & Collaboration: Organizations can build on open government data to create new services and generate economic value.
  • Open Data & Participation: [enter an idea!] 



About the OpenGov Playbook

This workspace is for open government practitioners at the federal, state, and local levels to share questions and effective practices about open government.  Knowledge about opengov is spread out across the Web; the purpose of this site not to recreate those resources, but to instead serve as a useful directory to them and send them more traffic.  If you have videos, blog articles, and other content on your website that is applicable to opengov, you are welcome to links to the OpenGov Playbook in the appropriate place; this will provide more information for open government practitioners and bring more visibility to your site.  Start at the Table of Contents.


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The OpenGov Playbook is a wiki, and everyone is welcome to become an editor.  Use the link on the right side of the page to request access.  You'll receive a confirmation email within a few hours.


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Each page is a wiki which means that anyone can edit it.  If you are not familiar with editing a wiki, email your suggestion or question to and one our team of volunteer editors will post your information.  If possible, please suggest which page on this wiki you believe your content is most applicable.  Another easy way to add ideas and links is to leave a comment at the bottom of any of the pages.  You may also click on the link on the right side of this page to request access to join as a volunteer editor (one of our editors will respond within a few hours).  We welcome your feedback!



Table of Contents:




Case Studies and Effective Open Government Practices:


Frequently Asked Questions about the Open Government Directive:


Additional Information on Social Media and Collaborative Tools


Upcoming Open Government Events




About the White House's Open Government Initiative

White House's Web page: "For too long, the American people have experienced a culture of secrecy in Washington, where information is locked up, taxpayer dollars disappear without a trace, and lobbyists wield undue influence.   For Americans, business as usual in Washington has reinforced the belief that the government benefits the special interests and the well connected at the expense of the American people. But President Obama committed to change the way Washington works. And he has begun to do just that."



White House's Web page"On his first day in Office, President Obama signed the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, ushering in a new era of open and accountable government meant to bridge the gap between the American people and their government:

  • The Administration is reducing the influence of special interests by writing new ethics rules that prevent lobbyists from coming to work in government or sitting on its advisory boards.
  • The Administration is tracking how government uses the money with which the people have entrusted it with easy-to-understand websites like, and
  • The Administration is empowering the public – through greater openness and new technologies – to influence the decisions that affect their lives.

On December 8, 2009, the White House issued an unprecedented Open Government Directive  requiring federal agencies to take immediate, specific steps to achieve key milestones in transparency, participation, and collaboration.  You can see all Open Government Directive milestones, track progress across the Executive Branch on the Open Government Dashboard, and read about how the Obama Administration is changing the way Washington works in the Progress Report to the American People."


Additional Information on the Open Government Directive


Creative Commons License

In order to encourage knowledge sharing, we have released all text and ideas in the OpenGov Playbook under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License.  This means that anyone can remix and reuse all original content created on this website.  Video, slide shows, and images, however, are the intellectual property of their original authors.  The logo for the OpenGov Playbook is released into the public domain for anyone to use.

Comments (2)

Bruce Eggum said

at 1:11 am on Jan 11, 2010

Thank you for this website so we people can be involved in our government.

Allen Bahn said

at 12:10 am on Jan 17, 2010

Credit goes to all of you who are making the information availbe to all.

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